Saturday 17 October 2015

Motivation & Basketball.

We all want to be motivated and it´s really hard to keep being motivated. It doesn´t matter if you want to start working out  or eating healthy. You might think at the beginning, that it´s going to be like this from now on, but no. You will get tired of it and just don´t want to do it anymore, especially if you´re doing the same thing over and over again. It might not be like this with everyone, but it is with me c:

I think it´s best to talk about myself. Let´s start from the beginning.
I played basketball in 2011 and 2012, then I stopped. The reason was, because it just wasn´t fun anymore. I was pretty much forced to go there and if I didn´t then I had to explain, why I didn´t go. Does it mean I got lazy? :D  But I couldn´t have a life, because of basketball, no free time. My marks weren´t the best, but it might be only because of my laziness. Anyway I left the basketball team, did nothing for a year and got a little fatter at least I felt so. In 2014 I went back to basketball and I´m still there. I will be there only this year and then I´ll have to change the school and I´ll leave the basketball team too. My basketball trainings are in my school and it´s the main reason, why I do it. I have to change the school, because we have only 9 classes/grades and I´m in 9th grade currently. I don´t know, will my next hobby be, I might just start running or jogging just to be active or should I take a new hobby. I won´t really have any free time next year, because I HAVE to focus on studing or do I, will anyone look at my 12 grade marks if I go to work? The one thing, that I know is that I need to find a amazingly beatiful dress for finishing 9th grade and I have no idea, where to look for. I´m in my basketball team and I quite enjoy it, so I might carry on playing basketball, who knows :D
Some random mind clean talk

My biggest inspiration is my sister, who trains everyday, to be better. I had a lovely lunch with her and we talked about lots of different topics and it made me think about it all.

Some motivational quotes for you:

You CAN and You WILL.


Saturday 15 August 2015

Perfect Water Park Day.

I had such a amazing day today. I just came back from the Viimsi water park. Thanks to my sister, who wanted to invite me and my brother to have a fun day with them.
Me, my little brother, my big sister, her child and her bf went to Viimsi by taxi.
At first we went to watch a 5D movie called Knight raid. Wow, the special effects tho :o
Then we went to a restaurant (I don´t remember the name of it, but it was next to the cinema). I had a caesar salad, that wasn´t the best. Salad pieces and meat were too big, I thought that was their job to make me a salad, not that I have to finish chopping the big pieces.
After that, we went to the water park. They just opened it. I love that men and women are together, but they change clothes each in a different little cabin. Men and women washing rooms are separated obviously. Washing room has lots of individual shower booths, that are separated with a wall on two sides (some water parks washing rooms have just shower heads and not the walls).
We had to wear flip flops, because the floor was really slippery.

That´s just a paddling pool, that was much fun with the tube. 

They had lots of resting areas and a cafe. 


I went on all of the rides.

Orange ride.
Pretty slow, but they say that it´s medium, not tube allowed. 

Green slide.

Really fast, not tube allowed ★ (I got water into my nose, even if I didn´t breath in that time)

Blue ride.
Medium speed, not tube allowed, but it looked perfect for it ★★★

Dark blue/Black ride.

The ride on this picture was closed, but there was a really similar one, where you can go with the tube, medium speed ★★★★★

Purple ride.

Faast, not tube allowed :o, I didn´t go there so I can´t rate it, but I think it´s scarily amazing.

Yellow slide.

They say it´s slow, but I would say that it´s medium, tube allowed 

I saw my friend from school there, randomly. How, she came the same time and day as me.

My little brother fell, remember I said, that the floor was slippery. He fell and his elbow started to bleed :/ Yikes.

As my mum didn´t come, she got a little rest from me and my little brother :D

I need to go there once more, because all the slides weren´t open. I wan´t to go on them, so badly. They open the Purple one a day after I went.

Afterwards we went back to the restaurant and I ordered overcooked dumplings with blue cheese and they were in a cheese sauce, OmG soo good, especially the cheese sauce. I literally ate the rest of it with white bread. I ordered a cocoa, that was so good too, creamy/milky and not hot, but perfect. I ordered a New York cheesecake with some strawberry sauce, nom nom, so creamy and perfect.
Perfecto dinner.
Then I hop on to a taxi and got home. The taxi driver was listening to some dating radio (haha, if it only be real).

That was a perfect day.

Every summer has a story

The tans will fade, but the memories will last forever.


Sunday 12 July 2015

Vegan Zucchini Fritters.

For the Vegan Zucchini Fitters you´ll need:

  • 1 Zucchini
  • ½ tsp Salt
  • ¼ tsp Pepper
  • 1 tsp Baking Powder
  • 110 garms½ cup Flour
Mixture makes 11 fritters.

  1. Grate the zucchini.

2. Add flour, baking powder, salt, pepper and chia seeds, if you want to.

3. Mix, Mix it well :)

It don´t look good, but, it´ll taste delicious.

4. Fry until golden brown.

5. Eat. They fill your stomach.

If you want to, you can make these too. Just cut some slices of zucchini and fry them.


Tuesday 30 June 2015

Vegan Banana Pancakes.

For those jummy pancakes you will need:

  • Bowl 
  • Blender or any that type of thing. 
  • A banana
  • 6 tbs Flour
  • 1 tsb Baking powder
  • 2 tbs Cinnamon (optional)
  • Chia seeds
  • Maple syrup
  • Banana
Mixture makes 13 pancakes.

I´m not sure about the measurements, I just randomly did them :D

1. Blend the banana. I know it looks pretty grose, but it smells soo good :)

2. Add remaining ingredients.


3. Mix it well.

4. Put some oil on the pan and 7 tablespoons of the dough (if you have bigger pan, then more tablespoons).


5. Turn them around. 

And they´re ready, serve them, whit some honey, banana slices and chia seeds, if you want to.


Monday 29 June 2015

DIY Lush Fun

I´m obsessed with Lush products and why not DIY them :)
I´ve used the golden Fun, that was lovely.

One thing. Lush cosmetics took Matthew Lush´s YouTube name. Why YouTube gave it to them? Lush would of just have their Lush Cosmetics name. Violated by YouTube. So annoyed. He´s had his channel name Lush for 9 years. #GiveLushBack

"Fun is a versatile and mouldable, Fun can be soap, shampoo, bubble bath or whatever you want it to be - the only limit is your imagination"

-Lush Cosmetics

You will need:

Corn starch
Soap, shampoo or bubble bath (it depends on what are you using it for)
Food coloring (if you want to)

I can´t give you the exact measurements, because it depends. If you want thicker consistency, then you add more corn starch and if you want slimier consistency, then you add more gooey staff.

1. Mix corn starch and bubble bath together.

And you´re done!

Wash away your troubles with some bubbles.


Saturday 27 June 2015

DIY Seal pencil case.

I got the idea from LaurDIY, she has a amazing YouTube channel and you can check out her blog post about this pencil case.

You will need:

  • Paper (for the stencil)
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Needle
  • Thread
  • Fabric
  • A piece of soap, chalk or sth to mark on fabric.
  • Short Zipper (I got it from my old jeans)
  • Buttons or sth for the eyes.

1. Cut out stencil, that should of be a shape of a seal. Cut out, where you want your zipper and eyes to be.

2. Cut two seal scaped pieces from fabric and mark on eyes and mouth.

3. Cut the mouth part open and sew the sides.

4. Sew the zipper on. 

5. Sew two seal shaped fabric pieces together (you don´t have to leave a corner un-sewed to turn it around, because you have seal´s mouth). 

6. Open the zipper and turn it around. 

7. Sew on seal´s eyes and you´re ready to go :D 

It takes half your life before you discover life is a do-it-yourself project.
