Saturday 17 October 2015

Motivation & Basketball.

We all want to be motivated and it´s really hard to keep being motivated. It doesn´t matter if you want to start working out  or eating healthy. You might think at the beginning, that it´s going to be like this from now on, but no. You will get tired of it and just don´t want to do it anymore, especially if you´re doing the same thing over and over again. It might not be like this with everyone, but it is with me c:

I think it´s best to talk about myself. Let´s start from the beginning.
I played basketball in 2011 and 2012, then I stopped. The reason was, because it just wasn´t fun anymore. I was pretty much forced to go there and if I didn´t then I had to explain, why I didn´t go. Does it mean I got lazy? :D  But I couldn´t have a life, because of basketball, no free time. My marks weren´t the best, but it might be only because of my laziness. Anyway I left the basketball team, did nothing for a year and got a little fatter at least I felt so. In 2014 I went back to basketball and I´m still there. I will be there only this year and then I´ll have to change the school and I´ll leave the basketball team too. My basketball trainings are in my school and it´s the main reason, why I do it. I have to change the school, because we have only 9 classes/grades and I´m in 9th grade currently. I don´t know, will my next hobby be, I might just start running or jogging just to be active or should I take a new hobby. I won´t really have any free time next year, because I HAVE to focus on studing or do I, will anyone look at my 12 grade marks if I go to work? The one thing, that I know is that I need to find a amazingly beatiful dress for finishing 9th grade and I have no idea, where to look for. I´m in my basketball team and I quite enjoy it, so I might carry on playing basketball, who knows :D
Some random mind clean talk

My biggest inspiration is my sister, who trains everyday, to be better. I had a lovely lunch with her and we talked about lots of different topics and it made me think about it all.

Some motivational quotes for you:

You CAN and You WILL.
