Saturday 26 March 2016


Veganism is a lifestyle where you don't eat any animal product. Besides food, vegans may also choose to avoid clothes that are made of fur or leather and cosmetics that have been tested on animals.

I tryed this lifestyle for a month last June. Why just for a month? Because I didn't knew anything about it and just saw a video and thought that I'm going to be vegan from now on. That wasn't the best decision because you can't one day eat meat and dairy and enjoy it and next day not eat it anymore. I had never thought of going vegan before June so I couldn't handle that big of a change on that time and I had to give up. Since then I didn't really enjoy meat, it felt really strange and not made for me at all. I avoided meat, but not dairy because my mum bought a lot of different yoghurts I hated milk even before June. 

On 21 of March I decided to become vegan again, because I don't want to consume any animal product anymore. I have done my research and know much more about it. 

How to become vegan:

1) Do your research about it, educate yourself and  decide why YOU want to become vegan. Wether for your health or you just love to eat real food etc. There are a lot ofdocumentaries and books about it, but my fav is YouTube video called "101 reasons to go vegan" it's about a hour long, but it's really worth it, so good. 

2) Gradually cut down on animal products. I think the easiest is to first cut down on meat and eggs, then get rid of dairy, like milk, cheese, yoghurt etc. And then lastly get rid of things that have animal products in them, cookies, that have milk in them etc. 

3) What to cook and eat now? Get some inspiration from the internet and cookbooks. I love Deliciously Ella cookbook.  And I've marked a lot of pages with a little paper to remember to try to make them. There's soo many yummy recipes in there.

 I bought this book and I didn't knew who Ella was until I realised, that I had a cutout of her on a box. I got the pic from H&M magazine a long time ago. Now I know that she's a blogger and a YouTuber. 

4) Come out to world. Okay now I might have not sone that yet, but I promise I will, one day. I know I'm such a inspiration aren't I c: On this step you have to explain a lot of things, like why are you doing it and how are you doing it? Be prepared to answer to all of those questions.

5) You don't have to go all out with you beauty products and clothes to be vegan. You can just gradually change them, don't waste them, when they run out, just try something new and vegan if you're ready and want to do so.  

6)You do you. Don't fight with other vegans or people who are saying that you're doing it wrong. You do you and don't let them effect you.

7) Supplement. Take some supplements like B12 and iron. Get a nice vegan supplement for the beginning.

8) Never stop learning. Always try new things and new ingredients, that makes it all more interesting.

Some interesting vegan YouTubers:

• Deliciously Ella (there's a lot of recipes)

• Edgy Veg (I really enjoy her videos and she's such a inspiration, never fails to make me smile.)

• Kalel (So positive and active person.)

• Lush/GayGod (be aware he's a little different as we all are. He is completely different from others who are here, he does vlogs and normal vids. He was the 1st YouTuber I subscribed to.)

• Mango Island Mamma (She's life is literally perfect, so interesting to watch.)

Some interesting apps: 

• Animal-Free It's free for ios and android. You can search the ingredients and it says if it's vegan or not.

• Is it vegan? It's free for ios and android. You can scan foods barcodes and it says if it's vegan or not. 

• Bunny free It's free for ios and android. You can search companies and it says if it's cruelty-free or not.   

 Finland consumes the most dairy per capita by consuming 361.19 litres per capita (2007). 

If you have any questions then you can ask me in the comments below, I'm not an expert c:
