I just wrote a big text about my nightmare, that i had yesterday and then deleted it all, because it just felt wrong to me or maybe i just didn´t want to think about it again. I think i know the reason to it or it was just the weather. It should be sunny and warm, but today snowed, like what?! It has never been like this on that time of the year.
There was a night. It was in winter, so it was pretty dark outside. I had to walk like 5 minutes to get to home. I walked and there was a boy/men, who walked next to me (i mean like really close to me). I slowed down, so did he. There was a car on the way, i stopped for a second to see, maybe the car starts to ride, it didn`t, but he stopped too for that second. He was still so close to me, there was like 10 cm between us. I began to walk faster, because my home was straight and then to the right. I got there, where i had to turn right and he didn`t follow me. I went to unlock my door and i saw that he went straight from there, where i turned right and then he turned around and walked back there where we came from. I was shocked. Nobody was at home, i was so scared. I just checked all my pockets, if he stole something (he could do this, he was so close to me), he didn`t. It was Friday and i was scared to go out the whole weekend and pretty much the rest of the month, but i had to because of the school.
I felt the same in my dream and now i`m in a bad mood :( I could just cry. Oh gosh what`s going on? I`ll just go to sleep.
Smile And Make Everyone Smile Around You :)