Saturday 27 August 2016


I hate my life rn. I have to sleep here, in someones bed, I don't have a hairbrush, toothbrush, nightwear or skincare products. I feel like a mess and I don't want to be here (I'm 100% not coming back here never again). I don't feel good, I feel uncomfortable, a little scared and I can't sleep. The sheets smell of someone, I hate it. I don't want to go to sleep. I can't see a thing in the room, cause I closed the door and put the curtain on. I'm not alone here, I am alone in this room. My mom and little brother are in the room next to me, door closed, so I can't talk with them and there are some people next to them aswell, so I couldn't talk with them anyways and I don't want to talk to my mom cause I didn't want to stay here. We had to stay cause they decided to fix my moms car, cause why not, right? They don't know I'm vegan and I'm not going to explain it to them, cause I don't want to! I just want to get up and hop onto the car, drive to a shop, get a watermelon and a spoon and then drive home. But no we have to wake up, see them while acting ok, but feeling like a mess. Then my mom is making plans for the day and I'm just like nooo, I want to go home, no one understands me, if I say I want to go home. I didn't fell asleep, I hardly slept for 30 mins because I felt really uncomfortable, I kept waking up after like an hour or so. I felt like something was crawling on me, something little, but it might of  been my dream or something. I went to bed at 12 AM (00:00). Now it's 8 AM and I'm up, not really, I'm still in the bed, cause I don't want to go anywhere, cause no one is awake. I heard someone walk downstairs and I think it was my mom. Btw they said to me: "sleep as long as you want", but I'm a morning person. I really just want to go home. The kids and some grownups are awake and talking downstairs, but I'm not going. 

I'm not unthankful, I just wanted to go home. I didn't want to stay, I didn't want to eat some grilled meat.  I wanted my bed and my home.

The morning: 
We had planned to go to a event, they invited us. We went there by ourselves and we didn't see them while being there. There was a lot of people, it was like a outdoor festival and some people sold things like jewellery, soaps, cheese, ice creams and other things they had made. I don't do well with crowded places, I just don't like it at all. It was blue sky with some little clouds. So it was really hot and I had put on jeans and a long jumper kind of thing + I have dark hair. So I was melting and didn't feel good and comfortable. 
 There were some wrecks from a long time ago.

We walked 7 km and after that I felt really tired, my mom already agreed to just have a little rest and then go home by car, but then they called and invited us over. My mom accepted the invitation and I asked if we could not be there for a long time, cause I was tired. So the night went and went by, they tried to fix my mom's car and they put in there something that had to dry overnight (-_-,). We (me, brother and a kid) played cards, soccer with a basketball that wasn't full and hide and seek, there wasn't much to do. As the night came, kids went inside, so did I. Ithers started playing with their phones, but me and my brother watched some Natural Geographic (cause there was notting else to watch) and played cards. One of the hosts showed us (brother and me) the rooms, that we were going to stay in. I was so pissed off that we had to stay here, my impression showed that. So my mom came and we went to bed. 

Next day: 
They made pancakes for breakfast. Luckily I had bought a lavash bread, the thin one. So I got that from the car and ate it with the jam. After that I really wanted to go home, but my mom and a woman made plans to go to the beach and to a adventure park (where we climb and try to get to the end of a track). We ended up doing it all. 
View from a tower that was in the beachy kind of thing.

At the end of the day I was okay with it, I quite enjoyed the park. 
It was really hard to do it and I kept doing splits with jeans. I liked it, I think it was a little overpriced as there was only 2 tracks and it cost like 16€.

 It was kind of a vlogy kind of thing. I might do more of these. 

Bad CAN turn into a good thing, if you're open to the world.

 Sometimes you just have to say yes.

Friday 19 August 2016


★          Not worth your time
★        Ehh
★      Ok 
★   Okay
★ Love it! 
  • San Andreas                                                                                                                  
  • Spud 2                                                                                                                           
  • Not Cool                                                                                                                     
  • Easy A                                                                                                                        
  • The DUFF                                                                                                                  
  • Clueless                                                                                                                      
  • Pitch Perfect 2                                                                                                              
  • The first time                                                                                                              
  • Annie                                                                                                                          
  • Nick & Norah´s Infinite Playlist                                                                                
  • The fault in our stars                                                                                                  
  • Prom                                                                                                                          
  • Jurassic World                                                                                                              
  • She´s the Man                                                                                                             
  • What a girl wants                                                                                                         
  • Paper planes                                                                                                                 
  • The longest ride                                                                                                         
  • Minions                                                                                                                        
  • Angus, Thongs & Perfect snogging                                                                          
  • Sleepover                                                                                                                     
  • Confessions of a teenage drama queen                                                                        
  • Wild child                                                                                                                  
  • Friends with benefits                                                                                                 
  • The right kind of wrong                                                                                            
  • The sisterhood of traveling pants                                                                                
  • The sisterhood of traveling pants 2                                                                             
  • McFarland, USA                                                                                                       
  • Paper Towns                                                                                                              
  • The Chosen                                                                                                               
  • If I stay                                                                                                                        
  • The last song                                                                                                               
  • Silver lining playbook                                                                                                 
  • A walk to remember                                                                                                 
  • How to lose a guy in 10 days                                                                                    
  • Deadpool                                                                                                                   
  • Zoolander                                                                                                                  
  • Finding Dory                                                                                                               

Friday 12 August 2016

Saint Petersburg trip.

18- 21.06.2016

It was raining, we met with our friends and went to the port. We met our class at 4 PM, got the tickets we needed and went to the ship. Our ship was going to set off at 7 o´clock night time. At first we went to our cabins, 4 people in one. We were there for a bit and then went to 7 Seas to eat dinner. After dinner we went to our cabin and visited our friends around us. After a while our class had took some drinks. I don´t drink at all, I drink water. We talked until 2 AM and then we went to bed kind of, we waited for the teacher to go away to get the pillows and a phone back that boys took from us. This doesn´t end here, the boys started knocking at our door. It woke us up and we couldn´t sleep. A girl from my room decided to have a shower in the middle of the night because she couldn´t sleep and she would have done it anyways in the morning. After the boys finally told us, what they wanted (asked if we wanted to watch a movie) and we refused because we had to wake up at 7. We slept for 3 hours until 6:25 AM then we washed and went to 7 Seas again. I had to get another cabin key, because mine stopped working. I don´t speak Russian very well, like I don´t know much words.
After eating breakfast we arrived to the port.
Teacher told us to get our arrival card out, but then they asked for our boarding card and 2 girls had lost it. We got out and waited for them for like an hour.  They made them a new card and then the teacher asked them, why they need it if we aren´t coming back today to this ship. Then the worker said:"OH! You´re not coming back? OH! Then you don´t need that card." We got out, we were in front of the port and a boy just vomited (ew), he wasn´t seasick.  We went to two separate mini buses. We rode really close to St.Isaac´s Cathedral. We had an hour before the next bus ride so we got to walk a little by ourselves.

Monument to Nicholas I
 We went to the next bus, it was like a tour bus, but it was raining so we didn´t go out, only once.
We walked to our hostel, got there and they tell us that we have to go to the other one of theirs (uhh), we were so tired.  When we got to our real hostel, we had to wait for half an hour, everyone were on the ground sitting or sleeping. We went to our rooms and fell asleep for an hour, then we went out.

We somehow managed to get to Galeria. We ate there, I got some sushi and drank a juice. Some ordered from Burger King, some from a Chinese place. There was 7 of us in the shop. After eating we started shopping at first with the group, but a little bit later we decided that 4 of us didn´t want to go to every shop, so we separated from them and set a time to meet them. Off we went to like Zara and shops like that.

Kazan Cathedral

Matryoshka doll

Pic from Zara´s page, it really looks like this.

Spoon Zara

I bought a spoon (hahah) ,some
Russian candy, magnets, a matryoshka doll, necklaces, a ship and a key chain. These were all gifts, I bought myself the spoon and a black egg necklace. Zara Home had the whole set of that colored cutlery, I want them so badly. That night we went to the riverside of Neva to see the Palace Bridge.

 It was 2 AM. We got back and were talking for some time and went to bed.
Next day others wanted to go to Galeria as well, so the teacher decided to go there by subway/metro with the whole class.
We walked with our 7 people group again. We ate at a really retro looking restaurant called Varenichnaya No.1 .
I really enjoyed that we all had a coloring sheet on the table and some pencils. After that we went to Galeria to get some things we forgot the day before. It took us the whole day pretty much, we were leaving that night so we had to be at the port by 5 PM.We were a little late because we didn´t know when the bus was coming, how long the ride was and if we were on a right bus.
We got to port and went to the ship, ate and went to our cabins. My cabin key didn´t work again and they just then told us not to keep it close to your phone (I kept it in my phone case). We were talking in our cabin and some boys joined us. It ended up being 9 of us (or more, I have a really bad memory) they stayed because at least 2 of them couldn´t go to their room because it stank cause someone vomited, one lost his key and couldn´t get in and didn´t want to wake his mates up. We talked and played games until like 5;30AM then we realised we needed to sleep cause we had to wake up at 7 o´clock.  I slept for 30 minutes maybe, I was so sleepy and it was really hot there.
In the morning we woke up because someone was knocking on the door. It was already past 7 and we just started running pretty much. We put our things into our bags and at the same time someone knocks cause he wants something he forgot here and we were just really busy. Alot happened at the same
time. Someone wanted to go to the bathroom to get his things  but someone was there so he had to just wait. I think you already get it, that we were in a hurry. We got our things, got out of the ship and now we were in Finland, Helsinki. We didn´t get out of the port, we had an hour before the next ship. We all sat on the floor and most of us fell asleep. Then we got to the ship, took a table and I just fell asleep on it and woke up a bit before we arrived and went to the shop with my friends.

End of that trip.


Saturday 26 March 2016


Veganism is a lifestyle where you don't eat any animal product. Besides food, vegans may also choose to avoid clothes that are made of fur or leather and cosmetics that have been tested on animals.

I tryed this lifestyle for a month last June. Why just for a month? Because I didn't knew anything about it and just saw a video and thought that I'm going to be vegan from now on. That wasn't the best decision because you can't one day eat meat and dairy and enjoy it and next day not eat it anymore. I had never thought of going vegan before June so I couldn't handle that big of a change on that time and I had to give up. Since then I didn't really enjoy meat, it felt really strange and not made for me at all. I avoided meat, but not dairy because my mum bought a lot of different yoghurts I hated milk even before June. 

On 21 of March I decided to become vegan again, because I don't want to consume any animal product anymore. I have done my research and know much more about it. 

How to become vegan:

1) Do your research about it, educate yourself and  decide why YOU want to become vegan. Wether for your health or you just love to eat real food etc. There are a lot ofdocumentaries and books about it, but my fav is YouTube video called "101 reasons to go vegan" it's about a hour long, but it's really worth it, so good. 

2) Gradually cut down on animal products. I think the easiest is to first cut down on meat and eggs, then get rid of dairy, like milk, cheese, yoghurt etc. And then lastly get rid of things that have animal products in them, cookies, that have milk in them etc. 

3) What to cook and eat now? Get some inspiration from the internet and cookbooks. I love Deliciously Ella cookbook.  And I've marked a lot of pages with a little paper to remember to try to make them. There's soo many yummy recipes in there.

 I bought this book and I didn't knew who Ella was until I realised, that I had a cutout of her on a box. I got the pic from H&M magazine a long time ago. Now I know that she's a blogger and a YouTuber. 

4) Come out to world. Okay now I might have not sone that yet, but I promise I will, one day. I know I'm such a inspiration aren't I c: On this step you have to explain a lot of things, like why are you doing it and how are you doing it? Be prepared to answer to all of those questions.

5) You don't have to go all out with you beauty products and clothes to be vegan. You can just gradually change them, don't waste them, when they run out, just try something new and vegan if you're ready and want to do so.  

6)You do you. Don't fight with other vegans or people who are saying that you're doing it wrong. You do you and don't let them effect you.

7) Supplement. Take some supplements like B12 and iron. Get a nice vegan supplement for the beginning.

8) Never stop learning. Always try new things and new ingredients, that makes it all more interesting.

Some interesting vegan YouTubers:

• Deliciously Ella (there's a lot of recipes)

• Edgy Veg (I really enjoy her videos and she's such a inspiration, never fails to make me smile.)

• Kalel (So positive and active person.)

• Lush/GayGod (be aware he's a little different as we all are. He is completely different from others who are here, he does vlogs and normal vids. He was the 1st YouTuber I subscribed to.)

• Mango Island Mamma (She's life is literally perfect, so interesting to watch.)

Some interesting apps: 

• Animal-Free It's free for ios and android. You can search the ingredients and it says if it's vegan or not.

• Is it vegan? It's free for ios and android. You can scan foods barcodes and it says if it's vegan or not. 

• Bunny free It's free for ios and android. You can search companies and it says if it's cruelty-free or not.   

 Finland consumes the most dairy per capita by consuming 361.19 litres per capita (2007). 

If you have any questions then you can ask me in the comments below, I'm not an expert c:
